Fir Meadows and Oxbow flooding in Pioneer Valley

By Marianne Lincoln

Flooding continues to plague the Pioneer Valley area in Spanaway/Frederickson.

Fir Meadows, which was built in 1968, has closed roads and swift water flowing in from the flooded playfield near the railroad tracks on Knoble Road. Electric vaults are underwater, yet people are still driving through the closed signs and even wading and playing in the water. Homes in the area have flooded septic systems, it is not safe to be in the water there.

The homeowners association representative tells me they have been paying fees into a fund since the development was built and those funds were to pay for Fir Meadows to be put on sewers, yet, after 49 years, the sewers have never been added. They have also paid for their own street lights for that entire time as well. Most neighborhoods in Pierce county do not have to pay for street lighting, the county pays.

Pierce County Public Works has been clearing out and extending ditches in the area according to Fir Meadows neighbors. The flooding persists and they are wondering what besides the rain has caused the water to not run off. What changed, they asked the county without receiving an answer.

Perhaps, for the sake of neighbors whose homes are flooded and who cannot reach their driveways without swimming, and emergency should be declared for the neighborhood.

Pierce County – declare an emergency for these people; they need some assistance.



3 Comments Add yours

  1. Judy Scott says:

    I sure hipe my neighbor’s in Fir Meadows raĂ­se up And make their voices heard!! This is outrageous!

  2. Barb Murray says:

    Not only for Medows is affected! Thank you for writing this article we South of Fir Medows are thinking it is time to build an Ark.
    our dreams have all but been washed away with each increasing flood . This year being complexly devastating! Please continue to help get the word out. We very much appreciate your help!❤️️

    1. The video I took to the county council on 3/28/17 has Thrift, Pioneer Valley, Frederickson and Spanaway. I need to go south on 70th Ave and see how the Patterson Springs are is doing also. Today Councilman Derek Young complimented the video and noted he needed to get out to see the issues in the south county. That alone makes all the photos a success. Getting a council member from another district to pay attention is the point. In the meeting, the Chair, Doug Richardson asked if I would like to present the video live at a later date – I said yes. After the meeting, I got to speak 1:1 with Dennis Hanberg about it. He will now head Public Works.

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